7 years ago, a few members of OTP walked into the beautiful space at St. John's Church off Roanoke Ave in the heart of Jamaica Plain and simply asked, "Would you ever consider letting a theatre company produce a show here?"
As the performing arts company in residence, St. John's has been our biggest partner, not only providing a home for us to rehearse and perform, but a community foundation that has allowed us to flourish. Open Theatre Project is also the proud producer of the JP Concert Series, founded by St. John's minister of Music, Ken Brooks.
From St. John's Rector, Ted Cole Jr.
On behalf of the St. John’s community, welcome! We are a congregation that loves creativity and the arts, and we are so excited about our partnership with the Open Theater Project! The arts have been a part of the spiritual lives of people of faith around the world from the very beginning. In the life and history of the Christian Church, we worship and celebrate with drama, music, sculpture and painting. All the creative arts are vital expressions of how we relate to God, to one another and to the world. St. John’s is blessed to have a building that is a work of art itself, and our sharing it with you for music, theater and other creative arts is a privilege and blessing. Thank you for being a part of our life and ministry here in Jamaica Plain! We hope to see you again soon!